The Buffalo Skinners — A promoter named (Crego) hires a group of men to skin buffalo. He consistently … The Bully of the Town — The bully has terrorized the entire town, including even the police. At last a … Cain and Abel (When the Great Day Comes) — "Well, the Good Book says that Cain killed Abel, Yes, Abel, That he hit him in … Camden Town — Singer meets a pretty girl, asks her to sit by him (and proposes marriage; they… The Cane Creek Massacre — "The boys have lived in peace upon the farm, A mother's care had shielded them … Cape Breton Murder — In Cow Bay on December 8, 1874 "this young man was led like a sheep to slaught… Captain Car, or, Edom o Gordon — (Captain Carr) decides to take a castle, calling upon the lady who holds it to … Captain James (The Captain's Apprentice) — (Captain James) has a servant who commits a "trifling offense." James ties him … Casey Jones (IV) (Casey Jones the Union Scab) — Casey Jones keeps working when the rest of the workers strike. (Someone puts ra… Catherine Berringer — Broadside account of a murder: "Muse breathe the Dirge o'er Delia's tomb...." "…