“Casey Jones (IV) (Casey Jones the Union Scab)”


Casey Jones keeps working when the rest of the workers strike. (Someone puts railroad ties across the track, and) Casey is killed. St. Peter hires him, but "Angels' Union # 23" sends him to Hell, where the Devil puts him to shoveling sulfur

Long description

Casey Jones, an engineer on the Southern Pacific, keeps working when the rest of the workers go on strike. (Someone puts railroad ties across the track, and) Casey's engine derails, killing him. In heaven, St. Peter hires him to scab on the musicians, but "Angels' Union # 23" sends him to Hell, where the Devil puts him to shoveling sulfur -- "That's what you get for scabbing on the S. P. line"


For the life of Joe Hill, see "Joe Hill." - RBW

Historical references

  • 1911 - Southern Pacific workers strike

Cross references

  • cf. "Casey Jones (I)" [Laws G1] and references there (tune, characters) and references there


  • Harry "Mac" McClintock, "Casey Jones (The Union Scab)" (on McClintock01 - two versions) (on McClintock02)
  • Pete Seeger , "Casey Jones" (on PeteSeeger1, PeteSeeger48)


  1. Greenway-AFP, p. 186, "Casey Jones, The Union Scab" (1 text)
  2. Darling-NAS, pp. 376-377, "Casey Jones, the Union Scab" (1 text)
  3. Silber-FSWB, p. 102, "Casey Jones (Union)" (1 text)
  5. BI, FSWB102


Author: Words: Joe Hill
Earliest date: c. 1911