“The Bluebird”


About Captain Moar's water-boat Bluebird. If you "come to Merrimashee, You will see the noble Bluebird, Through the waters she will fly, And the Captain says he'll run her Till the tank runs dry"

Supplemental text

Bluebird, The
  Partial text(s)

          *** A ***

From Louise Manny and James Reginald Wilson, Songs of Miramichi,
#6, pp. 64-65. From the singing of Bessie Crocker, Newcastle, 1947.

O, the ice upon the  Merrimashee
  Will melt before the sun,
And Captain Moar's water-boat
  Will soon by on the run.
For half a cent a gallon
  The ships he will supply,
And the Captain says he'll run her
  Till the tank runs dry.

Till the tank runs dry,
  Till the tank runs dry,
And the Captain says he'll run her
  Till the tank runs dry.

(3 additional stanzas)


Manny/Wilson: "The water-boats were schooners fitted with tanks. They supplied the ships in port with water." - BS


  1. Manny/Wilson 6, "The Bluebird" (1 text, 1 tune)
  2. ST MaWi006 (Partial)
  3. Roud #9204
  4. BI, MaWi006


Author: Martin Sullivan of Kouchibougac (Manny/Wilson)
Earliest date: 1947 (Manny/Wilson)
Keywords: sea ship work nonballad
Found in: Canada(Mar)