“Paddy's Pastoral Rhapsody”


Pat asks Molly to marry. She says he is too young and too poor. He says "wealth is an invitation The wise should never mintion." Sparrows, bees and roses, he says, get by without wealth. He drinks to her "for when I'm drunk I think I'm rich"


Broadside Firth b.28(6a/b): "Sung by the Author in his Irish Evenings"; the broadside does not state who that Author might be but the Bartleby Great Books Online site quotes _The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907-21).Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two. IX. Anglo-Irish Literature_ to attribute this to Samuel Lover (and quote the verse O'Conor omits, to boot). This broadside has a final verse omitted by O'Conor. The broadside is used for the Description (I guess "the Author" should know). - BS


  • Bodleian, Firth b.28(6a/b) view 7 of 8, "Paddy's Pastoral Rhapsody", R. March & Co (London), 1877-1884


  1. O'Conor, p. 38, "Paddy's Pastoral Rhapsody" (1 text)
  2. BI, OCon038


Author: Samuel Lover (1797-1868)
Earliest date: before 1885 (broadside, Bodleian Firth b.28(6a/b) view 7 of 8)