Ding, Dong, Bell — "Ding, dong, bell, Pussy's in the well." Johnny Green (or Tam Linn) put her in.… Do Ye Mind Lang Syne — "Do ye mind lang syne, When the simmer days were fine, When the sun it shone fa… Down by the Sally Gardens — Singer meets his sweetheart by the Sally Gardens; she bid him to "take love eas… The Drummer Boy of Shiloh — "On Shiloh's dark and bloody ground The dead and wounded lay. Amid them was a d… The Drummer Boy of Waterloo — Young (Edwin) is leaving home to serve as a drummer boy at Waterloo. Though his… The Dying Boy — "On a summer day as the sun was setting... A young boy lay on a bed of fever...… Future Plans (The G-Man) — "When I grow up, I think I'll be A G-Man brave and bold, Or maybe a fearful pir… The Gates of Londonderry — King James and all his Host" attack Derry "but vain were all their Popish arts,… Grafted into the Army — "Our Jimmy has gone for to live in a tent, They have grafted him into the army.… Grandma's Advice — The girl is cautioned by her grandmother to be cautious of boys. "They will fla…