His Lordship Had a Coachman — His Lordship discharges coachman John. John claims to be the finest coachman al… Hopalong Peter — Nonsense song. "Old mother Hubbard and her dog were Dutch/A bow-legged rooster … I Had a Little Puppy (Pussy Willow, Hot Dog) — Riddle-song, with a description of something (cat, dog, etc.) that actually des… I Love My Love with an A — "I love my love with an A, because he's A(greeable), I hate him because he's A-… I'll Name the Boy Dennis, Or No Name At All — "I?m bothered, yes, I?m bothered, completely perplexed, I?m the father of a lit… Il Faut Voir Que Je Me Sauvais (So I Ran Away) — French. A reaper says "Quelle chaleur!" The singer thinks it said "Here is the … In Duckworth Street There Lived a Dame — The singer courts an ugly woman on Duckworth Street. One night "I found her fai… Johnny Fell Down in the Bucket — "Johnny fell down the bucket, The bucket fell down the well, His wife cut the r… The Jolly Baker — "I am a jolly baker, and I bake my bread brown...I've got the biggest rolling p… Kate's Big Shirt — Saturday night "Kate stopped up to iron her clothes" and "Tom stopped up for co…