The Choring Song — Travellers' cant. Singer (Drummond) lay last night in a granary; now he's in pr… The Choring Song — Travellers' cant. Singer (Drummond) lay last night in a granary; now he's in pr… Christine Leroy — The dying singer tells how happy her marriage was -- until beautiful Christine… The Coal Quay Market — Singer buys an old flea-ridden chemise at Coal Quay. His wife won't have it. Th… Cod Fish Song — A man brings home a "cod fish," and places it in the chamberpot for safekeeping… The Complications of Life — "This life here is a mixture of its troubles and its joys, All the way to ripe … Cooper Milton — "It was on one Thursday morning, a while before noon, When John came in from wo… The Crooked Rib — Women were created from man's crooked rib which explains "the crooked nature so… Cruel Was the Press Gang — "Oh! cruel was the press-gang That took my love from me; Oh! cruel was the litt… The Cumberland Traveller — "Dear wife I hope this you will find In health of body and of mind And my dear …