To the Weaver's Gin Ye Go — "My heart was ance as blythe and free As simmer days were lang," but a weaver "… Weave Room Blues — "Working in a weave-room, fighting for my life, Trying to make a living for my … The Weaver (I) — A weaver roves out and meets a pretty maid carrying a loom under her apron. Upo… The Weaver and the Factory Maid — The singer, a hand-weaver, loves a woman who works in a factory. He visits her … The Weaver and the Factory Maid — The singer, a hand-weaver, loves a woman who works in a factory. He visits her … The Weaver's Daughter — Singer is smitten by a weaver's daughter. He proposes. She demurs; her late mot… Weaver's Life — Description of hard life in a weaving mill. Follows the pattern of "Life's Rail… The Wee Weaver — "I am a wee weaver confined to my loom." Willy loves Mary. They roam by Lough E… Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues — "Old Man Sargent, sitting at the desk, The damned old fool won't give us no res… Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues — "Old Man Sargent, sitting at the desk, The damned old fool won't give us no res…