The Fairy Lullaby — Irish Gaelic: Singer laments: it's a year since she was taken from her husband … The Fisherman of Wexford — The rule that none fish Wexford Bay St Martin's Eve was broken once: "upon that… The Flying Dutchman (Vanderdecken) — The crew has just escaped a harsh wind on a dark night when the Flying Dutchman… Grey Cock, The, or, Saw You My Father — Man bids his love to let him in. After some hours of lovemaking, he tells her h… The Haunted Hunter — Singer, walking toward camp, is joined by a snowshoed figure who leaves no trac… The Leprechaun — The singer sees a leprechaun and laughs anticipating a purse of gold. He grabs … Maighre an Chuil Orbhui — Gaelic. The singer's wife was stolen and replaced by a fairy woman without his … An Mhaighdean Mara (The Mermaid) — Irish Gaelic. Blond Mary Chinidh, whose mother is a mermaid, swims Lake Erne fo… The Miracle Flower — A man murders and buries a girl. A flower grows from her grave and blooms the y… The Miracle Flower — A man murders and buries a girl. A flower grows from her grave and blooms the y…