Brother Jonah — Brother Jonah is called to duty, but is reluctant and goes to sea; the winds be… Brown Robyn's Confession — Brown Robyn and his men go to sea and meet a fierce storm. They cast lots to le… The Brule Boys — Two men from Brule go to St Peter's to bring back rum in winter. They become lo… The Brushy Mountain Freshet — "In the month of July, in the year 'sixteen, Came the awfullest storm that's ev… By the Lightning We Lost our Sight — The singer is on a journey from Gibraltar to England when a hurricane strikes. … Call John the Boatman — The singer orders, "Call John the Boatman." A storm is rising, and he is needed… Canso Strait — The crew is finishing a quiet voyage when a gale blows up. The drunken captain … Cap'n Paul — Captain Paul and the seven men of the Big Mariner set out from Kennebunk(port) … Captain Burke — The singer ships on Captain Burke's Caroline, carrying a cargo of slaves. Sent … Captain Glen/The New York Trader (The Guilty Sea Captain A/B) — A ship sets out to sea; many of the crew become ill. The captain has a dream wh…