An Ancient Riddle — "Adam God made out of dust, But thought it best to make me fust...." "My body G… The Beauty of the Braid — The singer has wandered far, but his "intellect is consummated By the charming … The Belfast Beauty — The singer met "the beauty of sweet Belfast Town' in Donegall Street. He descri… Captain Wedderburn's Courtship — (Captain Wedderburn) sees a fair lady, and wishes to sleep with her. She takes … Humpty Dumpty — "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Threescore men an… I Gave My Love a Cherry — The singer gave his love "a cherry without a stone... a chicken without a bone,… I Had a Little Puppy (Pussy Willow, Hot Dog) — Riddle-song, with a description of something (cat, dog, etc.) that actually des… King John and the Bishop — King John tells the (bishop of Canterbury) he must answer the King's questions … Proud Lady Margaret — Knight comes to court Margaret; he will have her or die. She says better men th… Riddles Wisely Expounded — A knight arrives to court three sisters. The youngest goes to bed with him. He …