One-Hung Lo — Recitation: Prostitute Hoo Flung Shit is masturbating when One-Hung Lo crawls i… Our Captain Calls All Hands (Fighting for Strangers) — "Our Captain called all hands and away tomorrow, Leaving those girls behind." S… Our Captain Calls All Hands (Fighting for Strangers) — "Our Captain called all hands and away tomorrow, Leaving those girls behind." S… The Parcel from a Lady (Under Her Apron) — Singer is hailed by a lady who asks him to hold her parcel while she finds her … Petit Couturier, La (The Little Dressmaker) — French. A dressmaker goes to an inn; there are two lovely women there. He makes… The Poor Old Couple — "There was an old couple, and they were poor." The wife is afraid to stay alon… Poor Wee Jockie Clarke — Jockie Clarke sells newspapers and goes ragged; his father is a drinker and a t… Poor Wee Jockie Clarke — Jockie Clarke sells newspapers and goes ragged; his father is a drinker and a t… The Red Mantle — Singer asks her husband for a red mantle to wear to the fair. He buys it; but w… Sergeant Tally-Ho — Singer boasts of his travels; he's courted all over America, England, France an…