Bad Ale Can Blow a Man Down — "Go bring me a mug of your very best ale, Bad ale can drag a man down." "The lo… The Battle of Harlaw — A Highland army marches to Harlaw (to claim an earldom for their leader). The l… The Battle of Otterburn — As armies under Earls Douglas of Scotland and Percy (aka Hotspur) of Northumber… Bonnie John Seton — Forces from north and south prepare for battle at the Brig o' Dee. John Seton, … The Bonnie Parks o' Kilty — "On the south side o Perth there lived a fair maid, She wandered late and ear' … Bothwell Bridge — Earlston bids farewell to his family and sets out for Bothwell Bridge (to join … The Brown and Yellow Ale — The singer and his wife are walking when they meet the Brown and Yellow (Ale/Ea… Burd Isabel and Earl Patrick — Patrick promises to marry Isabel if the child she bears is a son. He delays unt… The Collier's Bonnie Lassie — "The collier has a daughter" of great beauty. "A laird he was that sought her, … The Dainty Doonby — "A lassie was milkin' her faither's kye When a gentleman on horseback he cam' r…