Doherty's Wake — Michael Doherty lives in Kerry and has "a taste for the grog" He is "killed" in… The Drowning of Young Robinson — Robinson and (Wesley) go hunting by the Bann in winter. The ice is thin, and th… Eileen — "In a town by the sea by the Castle Duneen" Eileen loves "a young fisher laddie… Falling Leaf — Falling Leaf (so named because she was born in autumn) is the beautiful daughte… The Flowers o' the Forest — Based on a pipe tune lamenting the battle of Flodden: "I've heard them lilting,… The Girl Who Was Drowned at Onslow — What mournful news that we did hear." A girl is drowned in an icy stream. After… Go Tell Aunt Rhody — "Go tell Aunt (Rhody) (x3) The old gray goose is dead. The one she'd been savin… Here We Go in Mourning — "Here we go in mourning, In mourning is my cry, I have gone and lost my true lo… Highland Jane — The singer overhears another cry, "I have lost my bonny bride, My bonny bloomin… The Hobo's Grave — Singer comes upon a hobo's grave. The wolves howl over it; the box cars roll on…