Bung Yer Eye — Singer praises his girlfriend, Kitty, and tells of a rowdy dance he takes her t… C'etait Trois Jeunes Garcons Partis Pour un Voyage (Three Young Boys Go on a Voyage) — French. Three boys go on a voyage to distant islands, leaving loved ones. The … Camden Town — Singer meets a pretty girl, asks her to sit by him (and proposes marriage; they… The Cannonball — Floating verses; singer says he will catch the train called the Cannonball (fro… Casro, Manishi-O — Travellers' cant. Singer asks a girl to come with him and takes his bagpipes ou… The Champion of Coute Hill — William White meets Kate and convinces her to "try our skill" on Coute Hill. Th… Chanson d'un Soldat (Song of a Soldier) — French. The singer, a soldier, deserts for love of a brunette; in the process … Charming Blue-eyed Mary — Jimmy meets Mary, "got the will of" her, and gives her a diamond ring as a toke… Citi Na gCumann (Kitty of Loves) — Irish Gaelic: Singer comes to bargain with his love's parents over her dowry. T… Come Write Me Down (The Wedding Song) — Man offers gold and pearls; woman refuses, saying she'll never be at any young …