Batson — Batson has worked for Mr. Earle for years without being properly paid. At last … The Bear River Murder — "About a brutal murder I now say a word, I mean that Bear River murder No doubt… Le Beau Grenadier (The Handsome Grenadier) — French. A girl has won a sailor's/grenadier's heart. He takes her to his room a… The Belfast Riot — Election day, going to vote, Malcolm McKay is murdered by "bloodthirsty Irishme… Belle Gunness — "Belle Gunness was a lady fair In Indiana State, She weighed about 300 pounds, … Ben Hall — The singer condemns the murder of Ben Hall. Hall is made an "outcast from socie… Benjamin Deane — Benjamin Deane, the singer, is successful in business but wants more. He turns … Big Jim — "Cold and chill is de winter wind, Big Jim's dead and gone." The singer regrets… Billy Vite and Molly Green — "Come all you blades both high and low And you shall hear of a dismal go." Bill… The Blood-Stained Diary — "It's just a little blood-stained book, Which a bullet has town in two; It tell…