El Abandonado — Spanish: "The Abandoned." First line: "Me abanonastes, jujer, porque soy muy po… Bullshit Bill — "Bill has took it in his noddle For to take a little toddle Up the river where … Cashel Green (II) — In 1878, landlord Campbell permits a race on Cashel Green. The race is won by t… Champion He Was a Dandy — Michael McCarthy bets that his twenty-pound bulldog Champion can beat all comer… The Cock-Fight — Description of a cock-fight, wherein the grey defeats the charcoal-black, to th… The Courting Case — Man comes courting a woman. She reminds him that she told him never to return. … The Cryderville Jail — Complaints about prison life. Refrain: "It's hard times in (Cryderville) jail, … Didn't He Ramble — "Mother raised three grown sons... Buster was the black sheep of our little fam… Don't Go, Tommy — "You'll miss it, my boy, now mind what I say, Don't spend all your money and ti… Don't Let Your Deal Go Down — Floating verses: "Been all around this whole round world... Anyplace I hang my …