Charles Guiteau — Charles Guiteau, having assassinated President Garfield, is unable to escape th… Charlie Quantrell — A story of Charlie Quantrell, the Kansas highwayman who raided Nebraska and Mis… Child Owlet — Lady Erskine wants Child Owlet to sleep with her. Owlet will not; Lord Ronald (… Claude Allen — Claude Allen is placed on trial and, due to the Governor's indifference, is han… The Clerk's Twa Sons o Owsenford — The clerk's two sons go to (Paris/Blomsbury/Billsbury/Berwick) to study. They l… The Condemned Men for the Phoenix Park Murders — "On the evidence of a notorious wretch Far worse than they have been, Those men… The Convict of Clonmel — A convict, sentenced to be hanged, thinks of his past, playing at hurley and da… Croppies Lie Down (II) — "In the County of Wexford these rebels did rise." The Orange-men made them retr… The Croppy Boy (I) — The singer, a young Irish patriot, is arrested. A girl (his sister?) gives evid… The Croppy Boy (II) — The boy asks to speak to the priest. He will go to Wexford to fight as the last…