The Blueberry Ball — The Jubilee lands its freight at Daniel's Harbour and stays three days. The cre… Bluey Brink — Bluey Brink, "a devil for work and a devil for drink," walks into Jimmy's bar a… Boardman River Song — Singer tells of his work, skills and history on the Boardman River (and many ot… A Boat, A Boat, Across the Ferry — Round: "A boat, a boat across the ferry, For we are going to be merry, To laugh… Bob Cranky's 'Size Sunday — "Ho'way and aw'll sing thee a tune, mun, 'Bout huz seein' my lord at the toon, … Bob Cranky's Adieu — "Farewell, farewell, ma comely pet! Aw's forced three weeks to leave thee; Aw's… Boire un P'tit Coup C'Est Agreable (Sipping is Pleasant) — French. Let's go to the woods together, marionette. We will gather apples and h… Bold Doherty — Doherty loves drink and women. He fools his mother into giving him money. He pa… Bold Nelson's Praise — A song in praise of Lord Nelson and other English heroes. Details are sketchy. The Bold Richard — The "Phoebus[?] frigate Young Richard" cruises the French main with the Shannon…