The Chatsworth Wreck — A train is bringing happy travelers to Niagara Falls when it crashes through a … The Cloudburst — "...The worst tropical storm that ever was seen... struck with force on the mo… Complainte de Springhill, La (The Lament of Springhill) — French. February 21, 1891: In Nova Scotia you will never forget the underground… Courte Paille, La — Canadian French: A sailing crew has been seven years at sea, and is starving. T… The Cross Mountain Explosion (Coal Creek Disaster) — The Coal Creek mine blows up, killing 150 miners. The families grieve and the u… The Cyclone of Rye Cove — A tornado strikes the town of Rye Cove, and the schoolhouse is destroyed. Paren… Davy Lowston — "My name is Davy Lowston, I did seal, I did seal." Lowston and crew are left to… The Death of Jerry Damron — Jerry Damron and his crew are killed on the C & O railroad, apparently in a der… The Dream of the Miner's Child — "A miner was leaving his home for his work When he heard his little child screa… Dunderbeck — The German Dunderbeck invents a steam-powered machine to turn any sort of meat …