The Choring Song — Travellers' cant. Singer (Drummond) lay last night in a granary; now he's in pr… Chrissey's Dick — Mary Ann sends Chrissey to borrow Aunt Margaret's dick [rooster] and set among … Cluck Old Hen — "Cluck old hen, cluck and squall, you ain't laid an egg since way last fall." T… The Cock-Fight — Description of a cock-fight, wherein the grey defeats the charcoal-black, to th… Cockledemoy (The French Invasion) — A cock on a dung hill sees a bull he wants to kill. He raises a navy and impres… The Complications of Life — "This life here is a mixture of its troubles and its joys, All the way to ripe … Crow, Black Chicken — Dance tune with floating verses: "Chicken crowed for midnight, chicken crowed f… The Flies Are On the Tummits — Singer has been farming all his life but "the only thing that flourishes is the… The Follom Brown-Red — "Oh it's of a noted brown-red cock in Follom he did walk." Tom Kelly takes his … Granny Will Your Dog Bite? — "Chicken in the bread tray, Scratching out the dough, (Granny/Auntie) will your…