Arizona — "The Devil was given permission one day To select him a land in his own special… Bob Ingersoll and the Devil — "Some dese days gwine hit 'im. Ingersoll sing anudder song When de debill git '… Casey Jones (IV) (Casey Jones the Union Scab) — Casey Jones keeps working when the rest of the workers strike. (Someone puts ra… Catherine Etait Fille (Catherine was a Girl) — French. Catherine is the king's daughter. Her mother is a Christian but her fat… The Coal Owner and the Pitman's Wife — "A dialog I'll tell you as true as my life, Between a coal owner and a poor pit… Conversation with Death (Oh Death) — Death approaches the young person who is "unprepared for eternity." (S)he tries… Death is a Melancholy Call — The singer observes a young man dying as a result of a dissolute life. Both the… Death, 'Tis a Melancholy Day — "Death, 'tis a melancholy day For those who have no God, When the poor soul is … Dives and Lazarus — Poor Lazarus comes to the rich man's door. The rich man (Dives/Diveres/Diverus)… The Downward Road — "Well, brother, the downward road is crowded... with unbelieving souls." The so…